Our service. Your success.


Security Center

Join, Visit, and Be Secure with CASE 

Safety and security is of the utmost importance to CASE Credit Union. CASE would like to remind you that no legitimate financial institution will ask for account passwords, pin numbers, card numbers or other confidential information over the phone or online.

CASE Credit Union is committed to ensuring the safety of our member's information. However, dishonest individuals are working hard to find new ways to scam. One of the best defenses against fraud is to remain educated. Please let us know if you have any questions related to the security of your account.

To learn how to keep your information safe, please take a moment to read the Member Security Education.


AARP’s BankSafe Initiative

CASE Credit Union is thrilled to announce that we are one of the credit unions that AARP has recognized with the BankSafe Trained Seal for the steps we have taken to help stop financial exploitation. To learn more, click here.



Text Scam Alert

Text Scams work by someone texting you claiming to be CASE Credit Union.

If you receive any text message(s) claiming to be CASE Credit Union, please delete it. These are not from us! We encourage anyone that has provided such confidential information to contact their financial institution immediately with details, whether that be CASE or another financial institution.

Please note that CASE will never ask you to provide your account number or debit/credit information via text or e-mail.


Phishing is a scam to collect valuable information such as credit card, social security numbers, user ID’s and passwords. These e-mails will claim to be from a company you know and trust. The e-mail usually asks you to ‘update’ or ‘validate’ your account information. It often threatens some type of consequence such as ‘your debit card will be deactivated’. The message directs you to a website that looks like a legitimate organizations website, but is not.

Never reply to an e-mail you receive that is requesting your personal information and never click on the link provided in the e-mail. Always type the URL address of the organizations legitimate website in your browser and make sure the website address does not change from the one you intended.


Vishing is the voice counterpart to phishing. Instead of being directed by e-mail to a website, an e-mail asks the user to make a telephone call. The call triggers a voice response system that asks for personal or financial information. The initial contact can also be a telephone call with a recording that instructs the user to phone an 800-number or another area code within or outside of the United States.

If the message appears to be from a legitimate source, contact that sources main phone number - not the number provided in the e-mail or phone message – and verify.


Smishing is the mobile phone counterpart to phishing. Instead of being directed by e-mail to a website, a text message is sent to the user’s cell phone or other mobile device with some ploy to click on a link. The link causes a Trojan to be installed in the cell phone or other mobile device.

If a text message looks suspicious, delete it right away without reading it. Never reply to or follow the instructions of a text message that asks you for personal information. A legitimate business will never ask you to reveal your personal information over the phone or online.

Enhanced Multifactor Authentication

Your online security is important to us. CASE provides you with an Enhanced Multifactor Authentication service, which is free, easy and most important, adds extra protection from fraud and identity theft.

This process is used to authenticate members by delivering one time passcodes to a phone number (via voice call or SMS text) the member has provided during online banking registration. Multifactor Authentication means two or more different types of authentication must be passed, giving assurance that the customer is the correct intended user.

For more information, please refer to the frequently asked questions section regarding this service.

Identity Theft Protection

Your identity is unique and CASE will help you keep it that way!

CASE Credit Union and Deluxe are pleased to bring you Deluxe Provent®, an identity theft protection service. Identity theft affects millions of consumers every year. Take steps to prevent it from harming you. Protect yourself with identity theft protection services including prevention, detection and restoration.

More information

Personalization Settings


We would like to personalize your banking experience. Please enter your first name below.

This level of personalization will not lead to the sale of your name or leak your identity. The information you provide will only be stored on your computer and will not be transferred to any other source.

Please do not remind again


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